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ricerca di: The Mountaineers - Libri recensiti: 6

Medicine for Mountaineering: & Other Wilderness Activities di Wilkerson James M.D.

 In breve: Fondamentale per chiunque debba intraprendere un trekking od un viaggio in alta quota od una spedizione. L'ho acquistato e consultato per il viaggio sul fiume ghiacciato Zanskar in inverno. L'ho ripassato per affrontare trekking in quota (Mustang, Nepal) con mia figlia Luisa che allora aveva 4 anni e mezzo.
A firmly established classic since 1967, Medicine for Mountaineering starts where first-aid manuals stop. Written and edited by 10 climber-physicians who specialize in various fields of medicine, this fully updated edition offers expert information on preventing, diagnosing, and treating major and minor medical emergencies in the backcountry.

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The Six Mountain - Travel Books di Shipton Eric

 In breve: Fautore delle spedizioni leggere, Shipton ha lasciato testimonianza delle sue avventure alpinistiche in numerosi volumi che si segnalano per la vivacità e la capacità di trasmettere al lettore la passione per gli spazi vergini che animò l'autore per tutta la vita.
La ripubblicazione curata da Jim Perrin permette di conoscere le opere più famose.
Spedizioni leggere: un libro da far leggere ai tromboni che vivono di K2, K3, Himalaya, Karakorum e piramidi varie.

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The seven mountain travel books di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. His belief was "any worthwhile expedition can be planned on the back of an envelope."
This paperbound includes: Snow on the Equator, The Ascent of Nanda Devi, When Men and Mountains Meet, 1938, Two Mountains and a River, China to Chitral, Nepal Himalaya.

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Abode of Snow A History of Himalayan Exploration and Mountaineering di Mason Kenneth

 In breve: The most authoritative one volume reference source on the historical and geographical background to the entire Himalayan range, with a remarkably concise and comprehensive history of Himalayan Exploration".

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Many People come, looking, looking di Rowell Galen

 In breve: From the dust jacket: If the word HIMALAYA conjures up an image of a mountain paradise inhabited by cheerful villagers, then this book will shock you.

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Trekking in Tibet A Traveler's Guide (2010 ed.) di McCue Gary

 In breve: Una delle prime guide per camminare in Tibet.
This is the only trekking guidebook that focuses exclusively on Tibet. It features a 16-page color photo insert, 65 b&w photos, and 15 maps.

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