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ricerca di: California - Libri recensiti: 12

San Francisco-Milano di Rampini Federico

 In breve: Federico Rampini, editorialista ed inviato di «Repubblica», saggista, è nato a Genova nel 1956. Ha vissuto a Parigi, Bruxelles, Roma, Milano, San Francisco. Ha insegnato all'Università di Berkeley. Attualemente abita in uno Houtong vicino alla città proibita di Pechino. Una parte di lui, come racconta in questo libro, è rimasta in California.

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A Portrait of Lost Tibet di Rosemary Jones Tung, Ilya Tolstoy (Photographer), Brooke Dolan

 In breve: A Portrait of Lost Tibet provides rare documentary photographs of traditional Tibetan life as it had been lived for countless generations before the radical disruption effected by the Chinese takeover. Rosemary Jones Tung's text describes the culture Ilya Tolstoy and Brooke Dolan found during their ten-month trek across Tibet in 1942. Tung has selected 131 photographs from the 2000 Tolstoy and Dolan took.

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La mia prima estate sulla Sierra di Muir John

 In breve: I suoi articoli e i suoi diari di viaggio, frequentemente ristampati in America, hanno educato intere generazioni. "My First Summer in the Sierra", pubblicato nel 1911, è la sua prima opera tradotta in italiano.

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the Sherpas of Nepal Buddhist Highlander di Von Fürer Haimendorf Christoph

 In breve: Fieldwork over the period 1953 to 1962 enables the author to see the way in which the closing of the Sherpa land. The longest of these was a six months’ visit in 1957, when he took a household census, on which nearly all his figures and percentages are based.
Una monumentale ricerca che permette di conoscere gli Sherpa la cui valle divenne passaggio verso l'Everest solo all'inizio degli anni "50.

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Trans-Himalayan Traders Economy, Society, and Culture in Northwest Nepal di Fisher James F.

 In breve: Studio di economia e antropologia condotto dall'autore che ha vissuto per sei mesi nel basso Dolpo negli anni '60.

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Nomads of Western Tibet The Survival of a Way of Life di Melvyn C. Goldstein, Cynthia M. Beall

 In breve: Bellissimo testo con fotografie interessanti sulle popolazioni fra Lhasa ed Il Kailash. Peccato che per svolgere il suo lavoro il prof. Goldstein abbia venduto l'anima ai Cinesi.

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The Green Fuse An Ecological Odyssey di Harte John

 In breve: kind of environmental Sherlock Holmes, he sleuths his way through the knotty ecocomplexes of an Alaskan stream, the Tibetan Plateau, the Florida Everglades, Pacific reefs, and a tropical forest. Each study is a self- contained vignette, giving the lay of the land; who or what is menacing the place; and proposals on how the threat could be eliminated.

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The Myth of Shangri-La Tibet, Travel Writing and the Western Creation of Sacred Landscape di Bishop Peter

 In breve: The Myth of Shangri-la is not so concerned with the historical details of the exploration and development of Tibet as with the phenomenology of the imagination, the way Tibet was experienced and imagined in the Western world order. Bishop looks at where travellers were coming from more than where they were going, and in doing so he delineates the complex relationship among cultural imagination, physical landscape, and the sense of the sacred.

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Tibetan Diary From Birth to Death and Beyond in a Himalayan Valley of Nepal di Childs Geoff H.

 In breve: In this rich and deeply personal account of life in the highlands of Nepal, Geoff Childs chronicles the daily existence of a range of people, from venerated lamas to humble householders. Offering insights into the complex dynamics of the ethnically Tibetan enclave of Nubri, Childs provides a vivid and compelling portrait of the ebb and flow of life and death, of communal harmony and discord, and of personal conflicts and social resolutions. Part ethnography, part travelogue, and part biography, Tibetan Diary is a one-of-a-kind book that conveys the tangled intricacies of a Tibetan society.

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Voyager from Xanadu Rabban Sauma and the First Journey from China to the West di Morris Rossabi

 In breve: Morris Rossabi has done a remarkable and meticulous piece of scholarship with this book. In it he reconstructs the journey of a Nestorian Christian and his lifelong friend to the Christian west, sent as emissaries of the Mongol emperor of China, Kublai Khan, to hopefully meet with the heads of the churches and major players: the Pope, European monarchs, the Byzantines in Constantinople.

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Mille miglia in cammino fino al golfo del Messico di Muir John

 In breve: "John Muir, pianeta Terra, universo". Così Muir scrive sulla copertina interna del suo taccuino prima di mettersi in cammino: poche parole che però rivelano immediatamente il temperamento e la vastità del suo pensiero.

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La baja California nel Messico di AA.VV.

 In breve: Recensione di prossima pubblicazione

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