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Trekking in the Patagonian Andes

4a edizione

Carolyn McCarthy

Editeur - Casa editrice

Lonely Planet Publications

America del Sud

Città - Town - Ville


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


Edizione - Collana

Lonely Planet Trekking in the Patagonian Andes (Italia) - ordina e ricevi questa pubblicazione
Trekking in the Patagonian Andes

Trekking in the Patagonian Andes  

Patagonian Andes of southern Chile and Argentina- detailed trekking information and numerous easy-to-use regional and trekking area maps- practical health and safety section- extensive flora and fauna, climate and transportation information.


Lonely Planet first author Clem Lindenmayer's body has been found after he went missing in the Gongga mountains in China, three months ago.

Clem spent much of the last two decades exploring the world's mountainous regions and wild landscapes, from Switzerland to Tasmania and Patagonia. He felt a special affection for rugged beauty and although a real mountain man with a love of wilderness, flora, fauna and foreign languages, he came with the requisite hodge-podge of past jobs. After working as a dishwasher, telex operator, translator and assembler of exhibition stands, he eventually teamed up his passion for outdoor activities with research and writing for Lonely Planet. His experience walking and trekking saw him write and contribute to many Lonely Planet titles.

It was no surprise that Clem eventually made his way to, and fell in love with, China. Periods of lengthy travel were interspersed with courses in Asian Studies and Mandarin. Having previously crossed mountain passes and wild tracts on almost every continent, his intention to one day trek across the Transarctic Mountains in Antarctica was taken seriously. Unfortunately his curiosity came to its conclusion in the Gongga mountains - a rugged area in the West of Sichuan province, China. Clem had been missing for three months, the discovery of his body a terribly sad ending to a life filled with adventure and discovery.

Clem will be missed by his wife, Romi, his family, as well as all the Lonely Planet staff who had the opportunity to work with him.

'In 2001 Chile's Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales (Ministry of National Resources) officially remapped and marked the Dientes Circuit, applying names to features according to the simple principle of usage. Names that had been tentatively given to lakes and passes in previous editions of this guidebook (simply so that readers could identify them more easily) were taken up as official nomenclature. New names were given to a number of key features on the circuit that had remained nameless - from Paso Australia to Laguna Zeta - but Bienes Nacionales also added a Cerro Clem and Montes Lindenmayer. I swear I had nothing to do with it - fame just creeps up on you when you're least expecting it, I suppose.'