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The Orient in a Mirror

Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

Editeur - Casa editrice

Harry N. Abrams

Asia Minore
Asia Minore

Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

The Orient in a Mirror

Lingua originale

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The Orient in a Mirror The Orient in a Mirror  

Inspired by a series of journeys to the Middle East, photographers Roland and Sabrina Michaud offer striking testimony to the endurance of Islamic traditions with the Orient in a Mirror. Using the mirror as their motif, the Michauds pair traditional Islamic art miniatures, some of which date back several centuries, with their own photographs of the Islamic world, beautifully evoking a lasting civilization, rooted in faith and tradition. People and landscapes, souks and bazaars, beggars, children, and even warriors--the similarities of the faces, the lives and the land, nearly a thousand years apart, is uncanny. A photograph of a barber performing a "bleeding" on a client in Morocco in 1958, for example, faces a painted miniature created in Iraq in 1240 showing almost exactly the same scene. Through their pairings, the photographers provoke a fascinating interplay between past and present, between art and identity. "Placed face to face," write the Michauds, "[the pairings] complete and enrich each other mutually. They question and answer and live more intensely." Longtime travelers to the Middle East and Asia, the Michauds were drawn to the enchanting universe encapsulated in the Persian miniatures. Their photographs cover a period of nearly half a century, while the miniatures accompanying them reach back some eight hundred years. Geographically, the images cover the heart of the Muslim world, from Morocco in the west to China in the east. Further enriching the timeless feel of both photographs and painted miniatures are extracts from the Koran and The Thousand and One Nights, as well as beautiful examples of Arab calligraphy.


Consulta anche: La mostra "L'Oriente in uno specchio", Firenze 2002

Recensione in altra lingua (English):

This book, widely acclaimed on first publication over twenty years ago, is now republished in a revised and expanded form, with twice as many images. It reveals the grace, wit and strength of the Muslim world and its people, and an abiding spirit of place.

The Orient in a Mirror counterpoints the brilliant colour photographs of the renowned partnership of Roland and Sabrina Michaud with exquisite reproductions of 13th- to 20th-century Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Moghul miniatures, while the accompanying photographs show the elegance of the world they depict. The two art forms enhance one another through their exotic beauty and astounding colour, providing insight into the glories of the entire region.

Extracts from the Koran, The Thousand and One Nights and the works of Muslim sages pepper the book and reinforce the connections.

Recensione in altra lingua (Français):

FLORENCE, JUNE 13 2002: SpazioFoto Credito Artigiano, the gallery located in Via De Boni 1, in Florence, is opening a photo exhibition called 'The East in a mirror', which presents a collection of photographs by French press photographers Roland and Sabrina Michaud. The event is focusing on the Islamic civilization by portraying oriental miniatures and Moslems' faces.

Florence's SpazioFoto is a photo gallery promoted by the Credito Artigiano Group with the aim of enhancing the value of photography. The exhibition that SpazioFoto is soon hosting in its stands in Florence was first hosted at the Fnac Gallery in Paris, in 1982. 'The East in a mirror' has been inspired by a series of journeys to Middle East the French married couple has been going on over a period of 14 years.

It was first presented in 1982, as 'L'orient dans un miroir'. Born in Clermont-Ferran, France, Roland Michaud graduated in English literature. From 1956 to 1958, he worked with Radio Morocco as translator of the English-speaking broadcasts and as French professor with the American Embassy in Rabat.

Then, he met Sabrina. They got married and moved to Paris. Since 1960, they have been working hard as press photographers in eastern countries. They went on several journeys in Africa and Asia, taking hundreds of photographs and making photo reportages, some of which were published in important magazines both in France and abroad (e.g. Paris-Match, Réalités, Connaissance des Voyages, Courrier de l'UNESCO Francia, Life & Venture USA).
The photo reportage on a journey that they had taken during winter to Afghan Turkistan together with their little son, who was just four years' old, was published along with their first article in National Geographic Magazine in 1972. Another one called Turkomani was published in the same magazine in November 1973.

By putting oriental miniatures close to the photographs that they had been taking during their journeys, Roland and Sabrina Michaud focus on an everlasting civilization. Images and symbols of the Islam portrayed by Roland and Sabrina convey the idea of eternal youth.

Photographs of people and landscapes, a stone bow, horses, tools, costumes or just a flower carried on the fingertip, the falconer or carding roller, hunter and knight, a little girl and a warrior portray the beauty of a colourful world that never goes down to mere pageantry.

Roland and Sabrina wanted to discover human beings that they show us through traditional miniatures.

Among the most important books by Roland and Sabrina Michaud are: 1969/70 Primi libri apparsi su Afghanistan (published by Hachette-Réalités) and Spedizione Caméléon (published by SNEP, about 180,000 copies sold). Arte dell'Islam, text by Titus Burckhardt; Scienze islamiche, text by S.H. Nasr, published by World of Islam Publishing Company. 1977 "Caravanes de Tartarie", published by Chêne, Paris. 1980 "Mémoire de l'Afghanistan" and 1981 "Corée de Jade", published by Chêne, Paris. 1983 "La Route d'Or de Samarkand" published by Chêne, Paris. 1984 "L'Art de l'Islam" published by Sindbad, Paris. 1990 "L'Art de, l'Islam", published by Sindbad, Paris. 1996 "Faïence d'Azur", published by the Imprimerie Nationale, Inghilterra.2000 "la Grande Muraille de Chine" published by the Imprimerie Nationale. 2002 "L'Agfhanistan" published by Martinière. 2002 "Le voyage des Indes", published by the Imprimerie Nationale.

Recensione in lingua italiana

Firenze, 13 GIUGNO, 2002: s'inaugura alla galleria SpazioFoto Credito Artigiano in via De Boni 1 a Firenze, "L'Oriente in uno specchio", mostra fotografica dei fotoreporter francesi Roland e Sabrina Michaud, dedicata alla civilità islamica osservata attraverso le sue miniature e i volti dei suoi abitanti.

Lo SpazioFoto di Firenze, spazio espositivo fotografico creato dal gruppo del Credito Artigiano, in sintonia con la missione di valorizzazione dell'arte di cui si è fatto portavoce, ospiterà gli scatti di questa mostra presentata per la prima volta alla Fnac di Parigi nel 1982, frutto di 14 anni di riflessioni e viaggi dei due coniugi francesi nei paesi mediorientali.

La mostra, che rappresenta una sintesi dei numerosi viaggi e dell'esperienze iniziate dai Michaud in quelle terre nel 1968, venne presentata per la prima volta nel 1982 con il titolo "L'orient dans un miroir". Roland Michaud, nato in Francia a Clermont-Ferran, si laurea in letteratura inglese. Tra il 1956-1958 Roland è il traduttore delle trasmissioni inglesi di Radio Marocco e professore di francese all'ambasciata americana di Rabat.

Conosce e sposa Sabrina, si trasferisce a Parigi e dal 1960 danno inizio alla loro attività di fotoreporter instancabili alla scoperta dei paesi orientali. Diverse sono le spedizioni in Africa e in Asia documentate da centinaia di scatti e reportage fotografici (alcuni dei quali pubblicati sulle riviste nazionali e internazionali come Paris-Match, Réalités, Connaissance des Voyages, Courrier de l'UNESCO Francia, Life & Venture USA). Nel 1972, il servizio della loro spedizione invernale nel Turkistan afgano con il figlioletto di quattro anni e mezzo, appare assieme al loro primo articolo nel National Geographic Magazine: Carovana sul tetto del mondo (aprile 1972). A cui seguirà il secondo sulla stessa rivista: Turkomani, audaci cavalieri delle steppe (novembre 1973).

Avvicinando le miniature del mondo islamico che li appassionano e le immagini raccolte nei loro viaggi, Roland e Sabrina Michaud mettono in evidenza la permanenza di questa civiltà. Nel suo approccio visivo e nel suo simbolismo, l'Islam di Roland e Sabrina realizza un vecchio sogno, quello dello specchio dell'eterna giovinezza.

I paesaggi e gli uomini, l'arco in pietra, i cavalli, gli strumenti, i costumi o il semplice gesto che porta il fiore in punta di dita, il falconiere o il cardatore, il cacciatore e il cavaliere, la ragazzina e il guerriero, protagonisti degli scatti, attraversano il tempo e danno vita alla rappresentazione di una realtà che, nella sua bellezza colorata, non scade mai nel facile folklore.

Roland e Sabrina sono partiti alla scoperta di esseri viventi e ce li fanno reincontrare nelle miniature di sempre.

Tra i libri più importanti pubblicati: 1969/70 Primi libri apparsi su Afghanistan (Edizioni Hachette-Réalités) e spedizione Caméléon (Edizioni SNEP). Quest'ultimo venduto in 180.000 esemplari. Arte dell'Islam, testo di Titus Burckhardt; Scienze islamiche, testo di S.H. Nasr, pubblicati dal World of Islam Publishing Company. 1977 "Caravanes de Tartarie", Edizioni du Chêne, Parigi. 1980 "Mémoire de l'Afghanistan" e 1981 "Corée de Jade", Edizioni du Chêne, Parigi. 1983 "La Route d'Or de Samarkand" (La via d'oro di Samarcanda) Edizioni du Chêne, Parigi. 1984 "L'Art de l'Islam" edizioni Sindbad, Parigi. 1990 "L'Art de, l'Islam", edizioni Sindbad, Parigi. 1996 "Faïence d'Azur", Imprimerie Nationale, Inghilterra.2000 "la Grande Muraille de Chine" Imprimerie Nationale. 2002 "L'Agfhanistan" Edizioni della Martinière. 2002 "Le voyage des Indes" (Il viaggio delle Indie), Imprimerie Nationale.

Consulta anche: La mostra "L'Oriente in uno specchio", Firenze 2002