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ricerca di: (IALS) - Libri recensiti: 2

Recent Research on Ladakh 1 (IALS) History, culture, sociology, ecology - Proceedings of the first colloquium on Ladakh held in 1981 at Konstanz di Kantowski D. , Sander R.

 In breve: Proceedings of the first colloquium on Ladakh held in 1981 at Konstanz (Federal Republic of Germany). This volume is out of print.

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Recent Research on Ladakh 2 (IALS) Ladakh, Himalaya Occidental: ethnologie, ecologie - Proceedings of the second colloquium on Ladakh held in 1985 at Pau (France). di Dendaletche C. , Kaplanian P.

 In breve: Ladakh, Himalaya Occidental: ethnologie, ecologie. Recent Research on Ladakh No. 2. Acta Biologica Montana 5, Pau. Proceedings of the second colloquium on Ladakh held in 1985 at Pau (France)
This volume is out of print.

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