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Recent Research on Ladakh 2 (IALS)

Ladakh, Himalaya Occidental: ethnologie, ecologie - Proceedings of the second colloquium on Ladakh held in 1985 at Pau (France).

Dendaletche C. , Kaplanian P.

Editeur - Casa editrice

Acta Biologica Montana 5, Pau.


Anno - Date de Parution


Titolo originale

Ladakh, Himalaya Occidental: ethnologie, ecologie. Recent Research on Ladakh No. 2

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Edizione - Collana


Ristampa - Réédition - Reprint

Patrick Kaplanian (2001)

Recent Research on Ladakh 2 (IALS)  

Ladakh, Himalaya Occidental: ethnologie, ecologie. Recent Research on Ladakh No. 2. Acta Biologica Montana 5, Pau. Proceedings of the second colloquium on Ladakh held in 1985 at Pau (France)

Claude Dendaletche: “Avant-propos”
Claude Dendaletche Et Patrick Kaplanian: “Introduction”
Patrick Kaplanian: “Avant—propos de aa Seconde Edition”
John Bray: “Avant – propos de la Troisième Edition”
Thupstan Paldan: “Ladakh”
Claude Dendaletche: “Esquisse Ecologiqije Du Ladakh (Himalaya Occidental)”
Paul Mirmont: “Presentation Technique Du Projet Ladakh”
Michel Neyroud: “Organisation De L’espace, Isolement Et Changement Dans Le Domaine Transhimalayen De Zanskar”
Phuntsok Stobdan: “A Survey Of Source Material For The Historical Geography Ge Ladakh”
Henry Osmaston: “The Productivity Of The Agricultural And Pastoral System In Zanskar (Nw Himalaya)”
Nicky Grist: “Ladakh A Trading State”
John H. Crook: “The Yogin Tradition In Zanskar”
Peter Eppler: “Die Gebaude Der Einsiedelei Rgod-tshang”
Patrick Kaplanian: “Une Seance De La Lhamo De Sabu”
Eric Larson: “Ladakhi Folk Songs And Instrumental Music”
Silke Herrmann: “Mundliche Versionen Des Gesar-epos”
Jean-pierre Rigal : “Le Nouvel An A Chilling”
Nawang Tsering Shakspo: “Ladakhi Language And Literature”
John Bray: “Christianity In Ladakh: “The Moravian Church From 1920 To 1956”
Wolfgang Friedl: “Berichte Und Publikationen Der Herrnhuter Missionare Aus Ladakh — Bislang Unbekannte Quellen Zur Hiistorischen Ethnographie”
Uwe R Gielen: “Some Themes In The Ethos Of Traditional Buddhist Ladakh”
Patrick Kaplanian: “Psychologie, Anthropologie, Psychanalyse: A Propos De La Psychologie Des Ladakhi (Réponse Ä Uwe Gielen)”
Rohit Vohra: “Ethno-historical Notes On Nubra In Ladakh”
Rohit Vohra: “Dards Of Gurais And Tilel In The Kishaganga Valley”
Rohit Vohra: “Remarks On Early History Of Ladakh”
Gérard Roville: “Presentation Du Baltistan”
Loïc Shorter: “Le Cham De Hemis”
Patrick Kaplanian: “Les Verites De L’interpretation: Jalousie, Possession Et Guerison Au Ladakh”
Francoise Loewert: “L’autre En Soi (A Propos Des Gongmo)”
Patrick Kaplanian: “Le Jour De L’an A Choklamsar”


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Recensione in lingua italiana

Proceedings of the second colloquium on Ladakh held in 1985 at Pau (France). This volume is out of print.

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