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Modern Literary Nepali

An Introductory Reader

Michael Hutt

Editeur - Casa editrice

Oxford University Press


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


Edizione - Collana

Pxford India paperbacks (United States) - order this book
Modern Literary Nepali (SOAS Studies on South Asia)

Modern Literary Nepali  

This book introduces a selection of published 20th century Nepali texts, in both prose and verse. It contains 5 short stories, 2 essays, an extract from an autobiography, and 20 complete poems, along with 7 extracts from a longer narrative poem and provides an introduction into modern Nepali literature.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

Beginning with a general introduction that surveys the historical context and traces the growth of modern literature in Nepal, this book goes on to anthologize and translate a number of twentieth-century Nepali literary texts. The book is ideal for readers with a basic grasp of Nepali grammar and vocabulary.