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Early Jesuit Travellers in Central Asia, 1603-1721

Wessels Cornelius


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Early Jesuit Travellers in Central Asia, 1603-1721

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Ristampa - Réédition - Reprint

1998 Book Faith India

Early Jesuit Travellers in Central Asia, 1603-1721  

This unusual book gives an insight into the often forgotten pioneering travel and discovery by Jesuit missionaries in Asia, especially Tibet. This book is a compilation of geographical, historical and cultural information collected by the Jesuits during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Each chapter details fascinating first impressions of people and things unseen by any Europeans before. A valuable source of information for anyone interested in the early exploration of the Himalayan region.
Although few of the European travellers to Tibet in the 19th century realised it, much of the ground that they were exploring had already been traversed by the Jesuit missionaries over 100 years before. This book, based on manuscript as well as printed sources, chronicles the journeys of all the Jesuits who reached Tibet. The most interesting journeys are those of Stephen Cacella and John Cabral (1626-32) who visited Gyantse and Shigatse, John Grueber and Albert d'Orville (1661-64) who travelled from China through eastern Tibet to Lhasa and then went on to India, and Ippolito Desideri (1714-22) who travelled from Kashmir along the Tsangpo to Lhasa.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):


List of works referred to
Chapter-1: Bento De Goes (1602-1607)
Chapter-2: Antonio De Andrade (1624)
Chapter-3: The Tsaparang mission (1625-1640)
Chapter-4: Francisco De Azevedo (1631-1632)
Chapter-5: Stephen Cacella and John Cabral (1626-1632)
Chapter-6: John Grueber and Albert D'orville (1661-1664)
Chapter-7: Hippolyte Desideri (1714-1722)
Appendix-1: Azevedo's account of his journey to Tibet (Portuguese text)
Appendix-2: Letter of Stephen Cacella from Cambirasi, October 4, 1627 (Portugues text)
Appendix-3: Letter of John Cabral from Hugli, June 17, 1628 (Portuguese text)
Appendix-4: Letter of Johun Grueber from Tyrnau, January 13, 1670 (Latin text)
Appendix-5: Eulogy of John Grueber (Latin text)