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Mon chemin mène au Tibet

Tenberken Sabriye

Editeur - Casa editrice

Anne Carrière



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Weg fuhrt nach Tibet

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fra (United States) - order this book
My Path Leads to Tibet: The Inspiring Story of How One Young Blind Woman Brought Hope to the Blind Children of Tibet (France) -  commandez ce livre
Mon chemin mène au Tibet

Mon chemin mène au Tibet Mon chemin mène au Tibet  

Présentation de l'éditeur
Sabriye Tenberken est une jeune Allemande née en 1970 près de Bonn. Atteinte très jeune d'une maladie de la rétine, elle devient progressivement aveugle. Grâce à son incroyable volonté, elle poursuit des études de sociologie, de philosophie et de tibétologie, ce qui l'amène à mettre au point un alphabet braille tibétain. A 26 ans, elle part seule pour la Chine afin d'obtenir l'autorisation de s'occuper des enfants aveugles du Tibet, qui sont totalement laissés pour compte, ne disposent d'aucune école spécialisée et sont condamnés à la mendicité et à la misère. A Lhasa le directeur d'un asile d'orphelins met à sa disposition un bâtiment afin qu'elle crée la première école pour aveugles du pays. Son école fonctionne bien à l'heure actuelle.


Consulta anche: Edizione Italiana "La mia strada porta in Tibet"

Recensione in altra lingua (English):

From Publishers Weekly
When Tenberken, whose battle with retinal disease left her blind at age 13, was in her 20s, she studied Tibetan culture at the University of Bonn. Frustrated by the awkward character-recognition machinery she had to use to read Tibetan materials, she devised a Tibetan braille alphabet, so that once translated, works could be directly readable by the blind. What followed seemed natural to her: she'd go to Tibet and start a school to teach this braille to blind Tibetan children. Traveling on horseback over treacherous mountain passes, sleeping in rat-infested huts and dealing with self-interested charitable bureaucracies, Tenberken managed to keep her humor and courage. She succeeded in establishing a school, and her organization, "Braille Without Borders," continues the literacy mission in other countries. While stories of triumph over adversity are often compelling, Tenberken gives something more: her own point of view on life as a blind person. Why does she go out of her way to visit stunning landscapes? Why are colors meaningful to her? "I consider myself a very visual person," Tenberken explains, aware that not all blind people-or "sighted" people, for that matter-have "visual imaginations." "Besides, why wouldn't a world informed and described by one's imagination be better than reality?" Photos not seen by PW.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From School Library Journal
Adult/High School-With no official encouragement-rather, the opposite-Tenberken left Germany after college to set up the first school for blind children in Tibet. She found her way into the backcountry on horseback, searching for students. These youngsters were sometimes kept at the back of the hut to be safe and to avoid shaming their families, as blindness is widely thought to be a punishment from God. She slept in flea-ridden huts, haggled for supplies, made friends who helped with her... read more

Book Description
Defying everyoneís advice, armed only with her rudimentary knowledge of Chinese and Tibetan, Sabriye Tenberken set out to do something about the appalling condition of the Tibetan blind, who she learned had been abandoned by society and left to die. Traveling on horseback throughout the country, she sought them out, devised a Braille alphabet in Tibetan, equipped her charges with canes for the first time, and set up a school for the blind. Her efforts were crowned with such success that hundreds of young blind Tibetans, instilled with a newfound pride and an education, have now become self-supporting. A tale that will leave no reader unmoved, it demonstrates anew the power of the positive spirit to overcome the most daunting odds.

Recensione in lingua italiana

In Tibet i bambini ciechi, numerosi a causa dei raggi solari d'alta quota e della carenza di vitamina A, sono tenuti ai margini della società. Ma da quando l'allora ventiseienne Sabriye è arrivata nei loro villaggi hanno una speranza di futuro, infatti ha fondato una scuola per bambini ciechi, ha inventato la prima scrittura Braille tibetana e ha fondato una struttura dove i bambini possano vivere e studiare. Anche lei è cieca dall'infanzia e il lettore può accompagnarla nell'emozione del primo viaggio sul tetto del mondo.

Consulta anche: Edizione Italiana "La mia strada porta in Tibet"