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27/07/2024 03:16:10

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.:: e-Commerce by Marco Vasta, solidarietà con l'Himàlaya :::.

State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet

Challenges of Recent Economic Growth

Fischer Andrew Martin

Editeur - Casa editrice

Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Reports


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


Ristampa - Réédition - Reprint

State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: Challenges of Recent Economic Growth (United States) - order this book
State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: Challenges of Recent Economic Growth

State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet  

Finding information on Tibet, particularly objective information, can be challenging. This book provides insight into the signficant economic disparities suffered by the Tibetan people. Statistics from China are considered by many sources to be biased and not accurate, and pro-Tibet supporters are difficult to take at face value as well, however this text seems to project the true state of affairs as completely and honestly as possible. Perfect as a reference source for any academic work. Well done!