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I sei sospetti

Swarup Vikas

Editeur - Casa editrice



Città - Town - Ville


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Six Suspects

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Edizione - Collana

Narratori della Fenice


Pezzani S.

I sei sospetti I sei sospetti  

Vicky Rai l'ha fatta franca un'altra volta. Grazie all'intervento del padre, il potente ministro dell'Interno dell'Uttar Pradesh, è stato assolto dall'accusa di aver assassinato la giovane barista Ruby Gill e ha deciso di festeggiare la notizia nella sua villa vicino a Delhi. Ma cinque minuti dopo la mezzanotte le luci si spengono e un colpo di pistola uccide il padrone di casa. La polizia individua sei sospetti, ciascuno con un'arma, un movente e l'opportunità di sparare a Vicky Rai: un ingenuo aborigeno in cerca di una pietra sacra rubata alla sua tribù, una stella di Bollywood che non perde occasione per citare Nietzsche e Sartre, un funzionario in pensione posseduto dallo spirito del Mahatma Gandhi, un ladro di telefonini finito in un guaio più grosso di lui, un giovane texano venuto in India per trovare moglie e, infine, il padre stesso di Vicky, a cui il figlio aveva soffiato un'amante. Sei protagonisti che offrono uno spaccato della società indiana, tra speranza e corruzione, lusso e miseria, modernità e tradizione. Sei trame i cui fili si inseguono per tutto il paese, dalle baraccopoli di Delhi alle montagne del Kashmir, dalle comunità di eunuchi di Varanasi ai lussuosi ritrovi dei nuovi ricchi. Sei vicende che si fondono in un affresco polifonico che rende tutta la complessità dell'India di oggi.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

From the author of the international bestseller "Slumdog Millionaire" comes a richly textured tale of murder, corruption, and redemption. Audaciously and astutely plotted, "Six Suspects" is the work of a master storyteller.


Swarup Vikas

Vikas Swarup lavora al ministero degli esteri a Nuova Delhi. Le dodici domande è il suo primo romanzo.

Come diplomatico ha lavorato in Turchia, Usa, Etiopia e Inghilterra. E' stato poi assegnato a Pretoria come alto commissario in Sud Africa.
Scrittore acclamato in India e all'estero, è stato finalista al Premio degli scrittori del Commonwealth e ha vinto il Premio del Sud Africa: Boeke Prize 2006.


Vikas Swarup (Hindi: विकास स्वरूप) is an Indian novelist and diplomat who has served in Turkey, the United States, Ethiopia, Great Britain and South Africa, best known for his novels Q & A and Six Suspects.
He is presentely, since August 2009, posted in as India's Consul-General to Osaka, Japan. [1]. Since August 2006,[2] he was posted in Pretoria as India's Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa.

His debut novel, Q and A, tells the story of how a penniless waiter in Mumbai becomes the biggest quiz show winner in history. Critically acclaimed in India and abroad, this international bestseller is being translated into 41 languages. It was shortlisted for the Best First Book by the Commonwealth Writers' Prize and won South Africa’s Exclusive Books Boeke Prize 2006, as well as the Prix Grand Public at the 2007 Paris Book Fair. Most recently, it was voted winner of the Best Travel Read (Fiction) at the Heathrow Travel Product Award 2009.

A BBC radio play based on the book won the Gold Award for Best Drama at the Sony Radio Academy Awards 2008 and the IVCA Clarion Award 2008. Harper Collins brought out the audio book, read by Kerry Shale, which won the Audie for best fiction audio book of the year. Film4 of the UK had optioned the movie rights and the movie titled Slumdog Millionaire, directed by Danny Boyle was first released in the US to great critical acclaim. It won the People's Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival and three awards (Best Film, Best Director and Most Promising Newcomer) at the British Independent Film Awards 2008. The National Board of Review picked Slumdog Millionaire as the best film of 2008. The movie swept five awards out of its six nominations at the Critics' Choice Awards, and all four nominations awarded at the Golden Globe Awards which includes best director, picture, screenplay & score, and seven BAFTA Awards. It received 10 Oscar nominations of which it won 8, including Best Picture and Best Director. From The NY Times' report: "[T]hough it had no actors nominated for prizes, [it also] swept many awards other than those on the top line, including prizes for cinematography, sound mixing, score and film editing. Slumdog’s eight Oscars was the largest total won by a single film since The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King won 11 in 2004."[3] The film was released in the UK on 9th of January 2009 and in India on 23 January.
Vikas Swarup's second novel Six Suspects, published by Transworld, was released on July 28, 2008 and is being translated into several languages and published in the US by Minotaur Books in 2009. It has been optioned for a film by the BBC and Starfield productions and John Hodge, who wrote the script for films like Trainspotting, Shallow Grave and The Beach, has been commissioned to write the screenplay.
Swarup's short story ‘A Great Event’ has been published in ‘The Children’s Hours: Stories of Childhood’, an anthology of stories about childhood to support Save the Children and raise awareness for its fight to end violence against children.
Vikas Swarup has participated in the Oxford Literary Festival, the Turin International Book Fair, the Auckland Writers’ Conference, the Sydney Writers’ Festival, the Kitab Festival in New Delhi, the St. Malo International Book & Film Festival in France, the 'Words on Water' Literary Festival at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, the Jaipur Literature Festival in India and the Franschhoek Literary Festival in South Africa.
He has written for TIME, The Guardian, The Telegraph (UK), Outlook magazine (India) and Liberation (France).