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In Ethiopia With a Mule

Murphy Dervla

Editeur - Casa editrice

ISIS Publishing;

Africa Orientale

Città - Town - Ville


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

In Ethiopia With a Mule

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Ristampa - Réédition - Reprint

2003 J. Murray

In Ethiopia With a Mule  

Dervla Murply is one of the very best loved of travel writers. She was born in County Waterford and since 1964 has been regularly publishing accounts of her journeys - by bicycle or by mule or on foot - in the remoter areas of four continents. The Times Literary Supplement called her 'an admirable woman - she has a romantic soul and a keen eye'.

Dervia Murphy set out with her pack-mule, Jock, on a hazardous trek through Ethiopia's remote and hostile regions. Inspired by stories of Prester John and the Queen of Sheba, she hoped to find there beauty, danger, solitude and mystery. Instead she encountered rough terrain, exhaustion, illness and the disorder of the Ethiopians' domestic affairs - all of which she conquered with endurance and good humour. Despite being robbed three times, Dervia Murphy found the Ethiopian highlanders were unusually hospitable. Out of her dependence on them and her increasing familiarity with their way of life grew a close and warm understanding. On reaching Addis Ababa, she concluded that affection for Ethiopia's peoples was the richest reward of her journey.


Consulta anche: Leggi la recensione in lingua italiana

Recensione in altra lingua (English):

In this wonderful account, Dervla Murphy sets out with her pack mule, Jock, on a hazardous solo trek through Ethiopia's remote and hostile regions. There, she encounters rough terrain, exhaustion, illness, and the disorder of the Ethiopian's affairs--all of which she conquers with endurance and admirable good humor. Despite being robbed three times, a close and warm understanding grows between her and the highlanders, and on reaching Addis Ababa, she concludes that affection for Ethiopia's peoples is the richest reward of her journey.


Murphy Dervla

Dervla Murphy was born in Co. Waterford, Ireland, of Dublin parents and still lives there. Since 1964 she has been regularly publishing descriptions of her journeys – by bicycle or on foot – in the remoter areas of four continents. She has also written about the problems of Northern Ireland, the hazards of the nuclear power industry and race relations in Britain. The Times Literary Supplement called her 'an admirable woman - she has a romantic soul and a keen eye'.
Her published works include:
Full Tilt. Ireland to India with a Bicycle (John Murray 1965);
Tibetan Foothold (John Murray, 1966);
The Waiting Land: A Spell in Nepal (London, John Murray/New York, Trans Atlantic Arts, 1967);
In Ethiopia with a Mule (John Murray, 1968);
On a Shoestring to Coorg: an experience of Southern India (John Murray; 1976);
Where the Indus Is Young: A Winter in Baltistan (London, John Murray, 1977);
A Place Apart (John Murray, 1978);
Wheels Within Wheels (Autobiography, John Murray, 1979/Wheels Within Wheels:
Unraveling an Irish Past, New Haven, Ticknor & Fields, 1980);
Eight Feet in the Andes (John Murray, 1983);
Changing the Problem: Post-Forum Reflections (pamphlet, Dublin, The Lilliput Press, 1984); Muddling Through in Madagascar (John Murray, 1985);
Cameroon with Egbert (John Murray, 1989);
Transylvania and Beyond (John Murray/Woodstock, New York, Overlook Press, 1992);
The Ukimwi Road. From Kenya to Zimbabwe (John Murray, 1993);
South from the Limpopo: Travels Through South Africa (John Murray, 1997);
Visiting Rwanda (Dublin, The Lilliput Press, 1998); One Foot in Laos (John Murray, 1999);
Through the Embers of Chaos: Balkan Journeys (John Murray, 2003).

When she isn't travelling, she lives in Lismore.

Consulta anche: Leggi la recensione in lingua italiana
Consulta anche: Sito ufficiale di Devla Murphy