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Customs and Superstitions of Tibetans

Duncan Marion H.

Editeur - Casa editrice

South Asia Books


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Customs and Superstitions of Tibetans, London, Mitre Press, 1964

Lingua originale

Customs and Superstitions of Tibetans Customs and Superstitions of Tibetans  

Introduction (dalla Introduzione)
" In speaking if one knows the proper words is a wise man, In eating if one knows the proper food he is a doctor."

In these days of exact knowledge when so much of the earth's surface has become commonplace, there are few spots whose mystery lures the spirits of men as does Central Asia; and in Central Asia the most intense interest is concentrated on it hub- Tibet. Pacing the Polar regions as a land of dangers and difficulties, unconquered Tibet holds challengers that still cost of lives of brave men in the fields of missionary endeavour, of travel and exploration, and in the realm of its hidden jewels- the thoughts and religious beliefs of a strange people.

It is our hope that this book will present some of the unknown facts in the inner life of the Tibetans that others may be aroused to study Tibet and its people. We do not boast that what is given will approach in an exhaustive manner the subjects which are tread; but we have tried to give personal glimpses of Tibetan life as revealed in the rounds of human activity and thought.

The materials of this volume have been gathered from the Tibetan province of Kham and the present Chinese province of Chinghai comprise Eastern Tibet. The inhabitants are Tibetans with a sprinkling of a few other nationalities. Ninety-nine per cent of this book's contents were gleand by conversation, observation and original research from the Tibetans while living with all classes from prince to pauper.

Political views expressed are not the personal thoughts of the author but are the consensus of opinion founded by numerous conversations between the years from 1921 to 1936 with many people of both high and low degree throughout the Tibetan Frontier. Other men with a different background might secure contradictory opinions from the same area. Communist control since 1951 and 1952 has created its own reactions.

In striving for absolute accuracy of statement and in attempting to state all facts concisely, we have had constantly in mind the Tibetan Standard of good writing, "To be free from the faults of More, Less and Mistake".

Finally, this book is the product of my too numerous to mention Tibetan friends who through the years told me freely and frankly all things which I wanted to know. Among the most prominent of these were my Tibetan teachers- Alay, Tseden, Atring, Lhashi, Gezongondu, Liu Chia Chu, and Peh Shang Wen. From their retentive memories came the proverbs heading each chapter and scattered throughout the text, the songs and superstitions, as well as the explanations of events and ceremonies as they occurred.

Introduction 11
I The cool Country 13
II Celestial and Terrestrial 21
III A Virile People 27
IV Houses of Clay 35
V The Land of Tsamba and Buttered Tea 46
VI Three in one Clothing 53
VII Occupations 62
VIII The Life of the Night 78
IX Born in a Stable 83
X Marriage Takes Place at Night 86
XI The Land of Medicine 99
XII The Kingdom of the dead 110
XIII Playgrounds Inside a Wall of Glaciers 120
XIV Yonnehcham or Harvest Festival 128
XV New Year Festivals 143
XVI New Year Dances 155
XVII Monks and Monasteries 165
XVIII Prayer and pilgrimage 181
XIX Charms, Curses and Courtesies in the Ghost Country 189
XX Idols, Incarnations, and Incantations 198
XXI Temples and Teachings in the Land of Religion 208
XXII Nomads in the Snow Country 216
XXIII Law and Government 231
XXIV Animals and Birds 239
I The Story of Gar 251
II Stories from Batang 252
III The Horba River Legend 257
IV A Tibetan Thanksgiving Ceremony at Gartock 258
V The Prayer Dance Precession 260



Duncan Marion Herbert (1896 - 1977) Nasce in Ohio, studia all'Hiram College. Missionario in Cina per la United Christian Missionary society dal 1821 al 1832. Destinato a Batang, ai confini con il Tibet, qui vive per 12 anni assime alla moglie Louise Habecker Duncan ed ai figli.
Fa parte della seconda spedizione di Brooke & Dolan nel Tibet orientale dal 1934 al 1836.
Visse in Giappone negli anni "50.

The Yangtze and the yak : adventurous trails in and out of Tibet. Published: (1952)
Harvest festival dramas of Tibet. Published: (1955)
Love songs and proverbs of Tibet. Published: (1961)
Customs and Superstitions of Tibetans London, Mitre Press, 1964
The cycle of existence (1966)
More harvest festival dramas of Tibet, Published: (1967)