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Il sacrificio rituale tibetano

La pratica del chöd nella tradizione Bön

Chaoul Alejandro

Editeur - Casa editrice


Buddhismo Vajaraya

Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Chod Practice in the Bon Tradition: Tracing the Origins of Chod (gcod) in the Bon Tradition, a Dialogic Approach Cutting Through Sectarian Boundaries

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Edizione - Collana

I saggi. Storie e società


Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche ; Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak

Il sacrificio rituale tibetano Il sacrificio rituale tibetano  

“L'opera di Chaoul sul chöd nella prospettiva Bön non potrebbe essere più tempestiva. La sua analisi approfondita di questa pratica religiosa sincretica e piena di fascino e dell'uso della metafora del taglio come un modo per andare oltre i confini fornisce un quadro più ampio del chöd e mette in luce le interrelazioni tra il Buddismo e il Bön.”
(Giacomella Orofino, Professore di Buddismo Indo-tibetano, Università “L'Orientale” di Napoli)
“Attingendo da entrambi i testi tibetani fondamentali e dalla tradizione orale ancora viva, Chaoul ci fornisce il quadro più completo della storia e della pratica del chöd Bön che sia stato scritto in lingua occidentale... il più importante contributo alla let
teratura sul Bön e il chöd.”
(José Ignacio Cabezòn, XIV Professore Dalai Lama di Buddismo Tibetano e Studi Culturali, Università di California di Santa Barbara)


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

"The dramatic practice of chod, in which the yogin visualizes giving his or her own sacrificed body to the gods and demons as a way to cut the attachment to self and ordinary reality, offers an intense and direct confrontation with the central issues of the spiritual path. The chod practices of the Bon tradition, a tradition that claims pre-Buddhist origins in the mysterious western lands of Zhang-zhung, Tazig, and Olmolungrig, are still almost entirely unknown. Alejandro Chaoul provides a scholarly, well-informed, and illuminating introduction to chod in the Bon tradition, telling us much along the way of other aspects of Bon tantra and spiritual life and of the wider context of the chod practices within Tibet. His work is an important contribution to our knowledge of these fascinating and attractive modes of spiritual practice."—Geoffrey Samuel, author of The Origins of Yoga and Tantra: Indic Religions to the Thirteenth Century and Civilized Shamans

"Drawing on both Tibetan primary texts and the living oral tradition, Chaoul provides us with the most complete picture yet of the history and practice of Bön chöd to appear in a Western language...a major contribution to the literature of both Bön and chöd."—José Ignacio Cabezón, XIVth Dalai Lama Professor of Tibetan Buddhism and Cultural Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara

"In the last few years the interest in chod has suddenly re-emerged, and a few books have been written about it from the Buddhist perspective. Chaoul's work on chod from the Bon's perspective could not be more timely. His thorough analysis of this syncretic and fascinating religious practice and the use of the metaphor of cutting as a way to go beyond assumed boundaries, provides a broader picture of chod and sheds light on the interrelation of Buddhism and Bön."—Giacomella Orofino, Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, University of Naples "L'Orientale"

"Chaoul's book offers a comprehensive intellectual understanding of chod and its origins within both the Bon and Buddhist traditions, and as such will have great benefit for scholars as well as for those who wish to engage in chod as a daily ritual or meditation practice.... Through this ancient and profound practice, anyone who is able to recognize their own fear—whether its source is external or internal—can face that fear, challenge it, and overcome it. Ultimately, fear becomes a tool to cultivate enlightened qualities.... An excellent contribution."—Tenzin Wangyal, author of Healing with Form, Energy, and Light and The Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep

"fascinating subject...documents the unique combination of meditation and shamanic rites that go beyond ego and literally invite our most fearful aspects to the light of day.... This is a valuable addition to the Tibetan Buddhist library."—Thomas Peter von Bahr, New Age Retailer


Alejandro Chaoul received a Ph.D. focusing on Tibetan Religions from Rice University and has been teaching Tibetan meditation and mind-body techniques under the auspices of the Ligmincha Institute in various parts of the United States, Mexico, and Poland since 1995. He is now an Assistant Professor at the John P. McGovern, M.D. Center for Health, Humanities, and the Human Spirit in the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, with an adjunct position at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, where he researches the use of Tibetan mind-body techniques for cancer patients.