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Travels into Bokhara

Being the Account of a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary and Persia; Also, Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, from the Sea to Lahore, with Presents from the King of Great Britain

Burnes Alexander

Editeur - Casa editrice

John Murray

Asia Centrale

Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


Ristampa - Réédition - Reprint

Cambridge University Press, 2014


Kathleen Hopkirk

Travels into Bokhara Travels into Bokhara  

Inviato in India a soli sedici anni per fare fortuna, Alexander Burnes aveva presto rivelato uno straordinario talento per le lingue, combinato con un fascino fanciullesco, una curiosità insaziabile e un entusiasmo irrefrenabile. All'età di 26 anni aveva così impressionato i suoi superiori che gli fu affidato il compito di consegnare un dono di cavalli dal re Guglielmo IV al Maharajah di Lahore.
In realtà agiva come diplomatico e spia. Avendo avuto successo, venne stato quindi inviato in una missione molto più pericolosa, per esplorare le realtà politiche ed etniche tra i Khanati dell'Afghanistan e dell'Asia centrale.
Questo diario di viaggio porta l'inebriante senso di eccitazione, rischio e zelo delle missioni di Alexander Burnes.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

Alexander Burnes was a British adventurer and employee of the East India Company during this turbulent era. He spoke Hindi and Persian and was nicknamed 'Bokhara Burnes' for his role in establishing contact with and exploring Bukhara, which made his name. He was rumored to be a spy during the first Afghan War and was knighted by Queen Victoria for his clandestine services during the conflict.
Burnes kept a lively, detailed record of his trail-blazing journey across Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, the Indian sub-continent and beyond which he later published to great acclaim, entitled Travels into Bokhara - A Voyage up the Indus to Lahore and a Journey to Cabool, Tartary & Persia.