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ricerca di: Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina - Libri recensiti: 10

Afghanistan The Land That Was di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina, Velter André

 In breve: Once upon a time, before the Soviet invasion and two decades of civil war, Afghanistan stood as a beautiful, if austere, country. Enchanted by the dramatic landscape, two photographers from the West devoted 14 years, from 1964 to 1978, to documenting its rugged charms.

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La grande muraille de Chine di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina, Michel Jan

 In breve: La Grande Muraille, qui ne fut jamais ni une frontière ni un obstacle, a longtemps représenté pour les Chinois une oeuvre de tyrans. Mais en 1984 Deng Xiaoping lance le slogan « Aimons notre Chine, relevons notre Grande Muraille », faisant d'elle un symbole d'unité et de modernité.

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Le voyage des Indes di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina, Germain-Thomas Olivier

 In breve: Ile enchantée ou cloaque nauséabond ? L'Inde suscite des réactions passionnelles. Sa personnalité est si riche qu'elle pulvérise les idées reçues. Il est nécessaire d'entrer dans cette complexité et de s'y mouvoir avec souplesse. De l'Himalaya aux terres dravidiennes, la variété est celle d'un continent. Berceau de l'hindouisme et du bouddhisme, du jaïnisme et du sikhisme, l'Inde fut aussi le lieu d'un islam rayonnant.

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Mirror of the Orient di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Insuperabile ed introvabile

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The Great Wall of China di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: This splendid book offers 165 exquisite images portraying the Great Wall as never before. In addition to striking views of the wall as it snakes across the vastness of China's northern borders, there are paintings, sculptures, and scrolls depicting life along the wall through the centuries. Here also are evocative portraits of the nomads of the steppes who live near the wall, in much the same way as their ancestors.

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The Orient in a Mirror di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Inspired by a series of journeys to the Middle East, photographers Roland and Sabrina Michaud offer striking testimony to the endurance of Islamic traditions with the Orient in a Mirror. Using the mirror as their motif, the Michauds pair traditional Islamic art miniatures, some of which date back several centuries, with their own photographs of the Islamic world, beautifully evoking a lasting civilization, rooted in faith and tradition. People and landscapes, souks and bazaars, beggars, children, and even warriors--the similarities of the faces, the lives and the land, nearly a thousand years apart, is uncanny.

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Afghanistan di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina, Velter André

 In breve: Un saisissant témoignage sur l’Afghanistan d’avant-guerre par deux très grands photographes-voyageurs

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Afghanistan di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Favoloso, introvabile in Italia, ma lo puoi acquistare tramite (clicca sul link)

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Caravan of Tartary di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Insuperabile ed introvabile in Italia, ma lo puoi acquistare tramite Amazon (clicca su

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Mirror od India di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Favoloso e geneiale ma introvabile
Segnalo il nuovo " Le voyage des Indes"

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