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A Portrait of Lost Tibet

Rosemary Jones Tung, Ilya Tolstoy (Photographer), Brooke Dolan

Editeur - Casa editrice

University of California Press


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

A Portrait of Lost Tibet

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue

eng (United States) - order this book
A Portrait of Lost Tibet

A Portrait of Lost Tibet  

When the Chinese communists came to power in 1949, they moved to reestablish their "traditional" borders and in 1959 annexed Tibet. Most monasteries were closed, nomads were moved onto communes, the nobility stripped of privileges, forests cut, roads paved, military airfields constructed, and Tibet's communication with the outside world was cut off. A Portrait of Lost Tibet provides rare documentary photographs of traditional Tibetan life as it had been lived for countless generations before the radical disruption effected by the Chinese takeover. Rosemary Jones Tung's text describes the culture Ilya Tolstoy and Brooke Dolan found during their ten-month trek across Tibet in 1942. Tung has selected 131 photographs from the 2000 Tolstoy and Dolan took.


Recensione in lingua italiana

La storia non è fatta di se, ma quale sarebbe stata la sorte del Tibet se il governo di allora avesse accettato nel 1942 la richiesta degli Stati Uniti di rifornire il fronte cinese attraverso il Tibet? Testimonianza inedita di un mondo scomparso che a tanti di noi sarebbe piaciuto visitare, attraverso le immagini degli ufficiali di collegamento Americani Lt. Col. Ilya Tolstoy e il Capt. Brooke Dolan.