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Il passo dell'eroe

Badami Anita R.

Editeur - Casa editrice



Città - Town - Ville


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

The Hero's Walk

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Edizione - Collana

Romanzi e racconti

Il passo dell'eroe Il passo dell'eroe  

A Toturpuram, Sripathi Rao vive nella Grande Casa dei suoi avi cercando di reggere le sorti della sua famiglia, in apparenza prigioniera delle tradizioni dell'antica e gloriosa casta cui appartiene: la madre Ammayya, la Strega, vedova eccentrica e avara che tiranneggia familiari e servitù; la sorella Putti, in perenne attesa di un pretendente; Nirmala, moglie fedele e saggia, e Arun, il figlio disoccupato, attivista del movimento ambientalista. Intorno a loro si svolgono le mille storie della città. La notizia improvvisa della tragica scomparsa di Maya, la figlia da anni ripudiata perché sposata a un americano, sconvolge la vita di tutti, costringendo Sriparhi a ripensare al passato e a prendersi cura della nipotina Nandana


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

In a small, dusty town in India, Sripathi Rao struggles as a copywriter to keep his family afloat in their crumbling ancestral home. But his mother berates him for not becoming a lawyer, his son prefers social protest to work, his unmarried sister seethes with repressed desire, and his wife, though subservient, blames him for refusing to communicate with their daughter Maya, who defied tradition, rejecting her proper Brahmin fiance for a Caucasian husband. Then a phone call brings tragedy: Maya and her husband have been killed in an accident leaving Sripathi to be their daughter's guardian. Sripathi reluctantly travels to Vancouver to bring the child back to India. Nandana has not spoken a word since her parents' death. Terrified, she resists her distant grandfather. Filled with guilt about his daughter but unable to express his feelings, Sripathi finds everything in his life falling apart. But with Nandana's arrival, his world slowly, unexpectedly, finds new hope.
"The Hero's Walk is a remarkably intimate novel that fills the senses with the unique textures of India. With humor and keen insight, Anita Rau Badami draws us into her story of the graceful heroism of the ordinary.


Badami Anita R.

Anita Rau Badami was born 1964 in the town of Rourkela in the eastern state of Orissa. Her father, who worked as a mechanical engineer and designed trains, was transferred every two or three years, so that she had a mobile childhood. She grew up in a household where English was the primary language spoken, and where her extended family was fond of telling stories about its own members. She has always loved writing, and sold her first short story for Rs. 75 when she was 18. She earned a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Madras, and studied journalism in Sophia College, Bombay. She worked as a copywriter for advertising agencies in Bombay, Bangalore and Madras, and wrote stories for children's magazines. She married in 1984, had a son in 1987, and moved to Calgary in 1991.
Anita Rau Badami lives in Vancouver with her family.