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Across the Empty Quarter

Thesiger Wilfred

Editeur - Casa editrice

Penguin Books Ltd

Medio Oriente

Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


Across the Empty Quarter  


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

An engaging and exciting tale, well told but quite obviously an extract from a larger work (Arabian Sands); it ends on a cliffhanger and refers frequently to people, places and events that have obviously been expanded upon in earlier parts of the original.
Allows readers to travel both around the planet and back through the centuries - but also back into ideas and worlds frightening, ruthless and cruel in different ways from our own.


Thesiger Wilfred

Wilfred Thesiger nacque ad Addis Abeba nel 1910 e studiò a Eton e Oxford. Nel 1935 fece parte del Sudan Political Service e quando scoppiò la guerra venne distaccato alla Sudan Defence Force. Dopo la guerra viaggiò nel Kurdistan, nel sud dell`Irak, in Marocco, in Africa centrale e orientale. Tra le sue opere ricordiamo Sabbie arabe (Neri Pozza 2002), Desert, Marsh and Mountain: The World of a Nomad, The Life of my Choice e Visions of a Nomad.

Consulta anche: Thesinger on BBC (8') da YouTube
Consulta anche: Milord a spasso con i babbuini - Stefano Malatesta su Repubblica