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Trans-Himalayan Traders

Economy, Society, and Culture in Northwest Nepal

Fisher James F.

Editeur - Casa editrice

University of California Press


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Trans-Himalayan Traders: Economy, Society, and Culture in Northwest Nepal

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue


Ristampa - Réédition - Reprint

Orchid Press; 2 edition (2017) (Italia) - ordina e ricevi questa pubblicazione
Trans-Himalayan Traders: Economy, Society, and Culture in Northwest Nepal (United States) - order this book
Trans-Himalayan Traders: Economy, Society, and Culture in Northwest Nepal

Trans-Himalayan Traders  

È uno studio di economia e antropologia condotto dall'autore che ha vissuto per sei mesi nel basso dolpo negli anni '60. Vengono corrette alcune affermazioni di Snellgrove ed è ben approfondito l'aspetto della produzione e dell'economia del Tichurong.

Dr James F. Fisher has done fieldwork in Nepal off and on over the last 30 years, on Magar village economics and ecology, on education and tourism among Sherpas near Mount Everest, and more recently, on a person-centered ethnography of a Brahmin human rights activist. As a visiting Fulbright Professor, he spent two years helping start a new Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tribhuvan University. Dr. Fisher was Professor of Anthropology at Carleton College for some 38 years, retiring in 2009. He is now Chair of Sociology and Anthropology at a new college he is helping to start in Bhutan.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

This groundbreaking work was conducted in the late 1960s, together with a recent follow-up volume (Trans-Himalayan Traders Transformed, ISBN 9789745242029 which traces the evolution that has occurred in northwestern Nepal in the subsequent five decades.
It will be of interest to social scientists, developmental workers, and others focused on the changing South and Central Asian worlds.
On an isolated Himalayan hillside in northwest Nepal, the village that was the subject of this groundbreaking study in the late '60s was two weeks' walk from the nearest commercial transportation. Yet it was as culturally complex as it was remote. While the villagers were largely self-sufficient, it was the ways in which they still depended on outside forces that anthropologist Fisher analyzes in this compelling work.

Republished almost 50 years after the original fieldwork, to coincide with the publication of a recent follow-up investigation by Fisher (Trans-Himalayan Traders Transformed, ISBN 9789745242029), the two volumes provide a fascinating and significant view of the evolution of this once-remote culture. (Reprint; originally published by University of California Press, 1987.)

Note on Orthography,
1 Introduction,
2 The Land and Its People,
3 Himalayan Farmers,
4 Transactions: The Salt Circuit,
5 Transactions: The Commodities Circuit,
6 Control and Uses of Wealth: The Traditional Context,
7 Transactions: The Village Context,
8 Summary and Conclusions: Ethnicity and Interaction,