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Recent Research on Ladakh 6

Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium on Ladakh. Leh, 16-20 August 1993

Osmaston Henry, Nawang Tsering

Editeur - Casa editrice

University of Bristol


Città - Town - Ville

Bristol (UK)

Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Recent Research on Ladakh 6: Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium on Ladakh Leh 1993

Lingua originale

Lingua - language - langue

eng (Italia) - ordina e ricevi questa pubblicazione
Recent Research on Ladakh 6: Proceedings of the 6th International Colloquium on Ladakh Leh 1993

Recent Research on Ladakh 6  

Ravina Aggarwal - From Utopia to Heterotopia: towards an anthropology of Ladakh
John Bray - The Roman Catholic Mission in Ladakh, 1888-1898
John Crook - The Meditation Notebook of Tipun Padma Chogyal: an introduction
James Crowden - The Road to Padum: its Effect on Zangskar
Mohammed Deen Darokhan - Handicraft Development in Ladakh
Thierry Dodin - Negi Lama Tenzin Gyaltsen: a preliminary account of the life of a modern Buddhist saint
Paula Green - Buddhist Nuns in Ladakh
Kim Gutschow - 'Lords of the Fort', 'Lords of the Water' and 'No Lords at All': the politics of irrigation in three Tibetan societies
Jamyang Gyaltsan - The Introduction of Buddhism into Ladakh
Neil Howard - What Happened between 1450 and 1550 AD? and other questions from the history of Ladakh
Lozang Jamspal - The Five Royal Patrons and Three Maitreya Images in Basgo
Prem Singh Jina - Impact of Tourism on the Ecology of the Ladakh Himalayas
Peter J. Marczell - William Moorcroft's Commercial Pilgrimage to Manasa Sarowara in 1812
Gudrun Meier - Herrnhuter Beiträge zur Erforschung Ladakhs
Sonam Morup - Hydel Power Potential in Leh District
Jigmet Namgyal - Power development in Leh District
Helena Norberg-Hodge - The Social and Environmental Cost of the Global Economy: lessons from Ladakh
Tsering Norboo & Tsering Morup - Culture, Health and Illness in Ladakh
Fateh Chand Negi - Economic and Cultural Life of the Frontier Region of Himachal Pradesh
Sonam Phuntsog - Sacrificial offerings to Local Deities in Ladakh
Ali Mohd. Rather - Discrimination in ladakhi Society: a study of Mons and Bedas of Ladakh
Peter Schwieger - Ka'-thog-rig-'dzin Tshe-dbang-nor-bu's Diplomatic Mission to Ladakh in the 18th century
Abdul Ghani Sheikh - Some well-known Adventurers of Ladakh
Harjit Singh - Ecology and Development in High Altitude Ladakh: a conflicting paradigm
Smriti Srinivas - The Household, Integration and Exchange: Buddhists and Muslims in the Nubra Valley
Nawang Tsering - The Wheel of Life: the Cycle of Rebirth in Buddhism
Lobzang Tsewang - A Comparative Study of Salvation in Christianity and Buddhism
Stanzin Tondup - Health Activities in Leh District, Ladakh
In Ladakhi:

'am dbyang rgyal mtshan - la dwags su sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa dar tshul (The spread of Buddhism in Ladakh)
blo bzang 'jam dpal - la dwags rgyal rim yon bdag rnam lnga ba mgo byams pa rnam gsum (The Five Royal Patrons and Three Maitreya Images in Basgo)
chi med rnam rgyal lte ba pa - la dwags kyi skad (Ladakhi Language)
dkon mchog nam rgyal - 'chams gyi nad don mo ra bsdus dkon mchog ram rgyal (The significance of chams performance)
bsod nams phun tshogs - la dwags su yul lhar dmar chod (Sacrificial offerings to Local Deities in Ladakh)
tshe dbang rig 'dzin - la dwags nang so nam pa'i las (Farming in Ladakh)


Consulta anche: Henry Osmaston and Nawang Tsering (eds.). 1997. Recent Research on Ladakh 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium on Ladakh. Leh, 16-20 August 1993. Bristol: University of Bristol. ISBN: 0 86292 431 6. 374 p

Recensione in lingua italiana

Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium on Ladakh. Leh, 16-20 August 1993

Consulta anche: Henry Osmaston and Nawang Tsering (eds.). 1997. Recent Research on Ladakh 6. Proceedings of the Sixth International Colloquium on Ladakh. Leh, 16-20 August 1993. Bristol: University of Bristol. ISBN: 0 86292 431 6. 374 p