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Ladakh's hidden buddhist sanctuary. The Sumtsek

Goepper Roger

Editeur - Casa editrice

Shambhala Publications


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

Alchi. Ladakh's hidden buddhist sanctuary. The Sumtsek

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eng (United States) - order this book
Alchi. Ladakh's hidden buddhist sanctuary. The Sumtsek

Alchi Alchi  

"Alchi contains over 300 color plates, maps, and plans. They are beautifully integrated into the text and are important evidence of the development of the cult meditation Buddhas of the Varjayana tradition. This volume is an important documentation of some world class art on the verge of extinction."

On the south bank of the Indus in Ladakh, facing a great trade and invasion route to the north, lies Alchi, a repository of magnificent Buddhist wall paintings and clay sculptures that have survived for over 800 years. This spectacular, limited edition photo survey details—with 300 color plates, maps, and plans—the most impressive of the temples there.


Consulta anche: Scheda edizione italiana in Adelphi


Goepper Roger

Roger Goepper, Director Emeritus of the Museum fur Ostasiatische Kunst, Cologne, is an authority on Buddhist and Far Eastern Art.

Consulta anche: Scheda edizione italiana in Adelphi