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The Frontier Complex

Geopolitics and the Making of the India-China Border, 1846–1962 New Edition

Kyle J. Gardner

Editeur - Casa editrice

Cambridge University Press


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

The Frontier Complex: Geopolitics and the Making of the India-China Border, 1846–1962 New Edition

Lingua originale


Lingua - language - langue


The Frontier Complex The Frontier Complex  

Kyle J. Gardner reveals the transformation of the historical Himalayan entrepôt of Ladakh into a modern, disputed borderland through an examination of rare British, Indian, Ladakhi, and Kashmiri archival sources. In so doing, he provides both a history of the rise of geopolitics and the first comprehensive history of Ladakh's encounter with the British Empire. He examines how colonial border-making practices transformed geography into a political science and established principles that a network of imperial frontier experts would apply throughout the empire and bequeath to an independent India. Through analyzing the complex of imperial policies and practices, The Frontier Complex reveals how the colonial state transformed, and was transformed by, new ways of conceiving of territory. Yet, despite a century of attempts to craft a suitable border, the British failed. The result is an imperial legacy still playing out across the Himalayas.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

As the historian Kyle J Gardner has shown in The Frontier Complex, pre-colonial borders between Ladakh and Tibet were shaped by local markers based on “cosmogeographies” that earmarked spaces for elemental deities, in what has been called “spiritual territorialisation”. Indeed, the differing perceptions of political boundaries in the Himalaya were one of the contentions that led to war between the East India Company and the Gorkha kingdom in 1814.